Sunday, August 25, 2013

A wee bit homesick{ or, "I hate August & September in Florida}

Sometimes one just needs to " gripe."

I'll commence with the good news: Best Dude has been slowly but surely building our chicken coop.  Here is a photo of the past few days' work on Project Bock Bock Bock Jack:

He added the walls & even windows. You cannot see it in the photo, but there is also a floor.  We have an old desk that will serve as our nest/roost area for the chickens.

In other news: I hate summers in Florida and I am so weary of this RAIN! Normally I am no fan of August & September{ Florida summers are hot, humid & LONG!} I grew up in the northeast, so when August of each year rolls around I am ready to don long pants & a light jacket. After nearly 15 years of living in Florida I am still not accustomed to these 7-month-long summers. People who live up North and think that living in the State of Perpetual Sunshine means 12 months of Beach Weather you are sadly mistaken.  It has been so rainy this summer that I never attained my customary Florida tan.  If it is not raining the humidity deems any sort of outdoor activity  as miserable.

 I am not the only one in our household who despises this weather.Our dog does not even enjoy his morning walks when the humidity is so high---and he REALLY hates walking in the torrential rain.

Summers in Florida are just too damn long. Autumn & Spring in Florida are way too damn short.  I miss my four seasons.

I am grateful that the coast has {thus far} avoided being hit by a " H-Storm". But , since my trip back to the Northern Appalachians, I've yearned for a reprieve from the rain, humidity and broiling temps And I shall admit it here: I miss my friends up North. As much as I try, I am not & probably never will be a true Floridian.  August & September are the two months out of the year that I really feel my  geographical " otherness" .

I miss hills, big shade trees that molt their leaves every autumn, cooler " football weather", snow, , watching EVERY Steeler football game on TV, and a host of other tidbits of life in Northern Appalachia. Yet I cannot deny that Northwest Florida is home now...and that I have carved out a good life for myself here.

It is not easy to bloom where I am planted. Deep within myself I know that I am meant to be here & I do not wish to mess up the equilibrium of my life as it is currently.

Neither Best Dude nor I play the lottery, but if I won said lottery I'd find us a small plane for frequent trips up North.


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