Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nothing at all to writing...only blood, sweat & tears

Today's quote is :

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter & bleed." ~Ernest Hemingway

Well, said Old Man of The Sea.

I am still not anywhere near finished with my short story. To be quite honest: I have not looked at it since last month.  I've discovered that writing a work of fiction that is so entangled in some emotional truth in my life is hard.

I WANT to tell this story, and I NEED to tell it. Yet I've had the worst trouble with " writers' block".

Writers' block sucks.

For a few days, I was faithful in my pursuit of literature. I wrote every day, if only a paragraph or two.  I've discovered that the closer I get to the "truth" upon which the fiction is based, the more trouble I find while trying to make the words come.


Writing can be literally PAINFUL. It can call to one's subconscious all sorts of" demons" from one's past. {Especially if said mental demon that is the subject of the work of fiction was not * all bad*}


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