Monday, May 19, 2014

Change is scary....even the disciples knew it.

I heard an excellent sermon on Sunday when I visited Beach Parish with friends.

The Gospel lesson for this week comes from a portion of the John's Gospel. {14:1-14} has Christ reassuring His disciples that His mission will continue, even though He will no longer be with them " in the flesh

" Jesus opens today's lesson with " Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in Me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places....that's where I am , there you may be also." The priest mentioned that this is part of Jesus' ' farewell discourse' with His disciples & friends. Until recently, I had not give much thought to the importance of farewell discourses in everyday life.

Lately I've been feeling " lost" and " at a loss" due to some circumstances that I cannot change. I'm struggling seeing the face of Christ amidst all the chaos. I am struggling to find my own sense of " community" within my community. I feel directionless.

Right now I wonder where my own role within said community should be & I'm struggling with finding trustworthy mentors.  Jesus prepared his disciples for life with Him on Earth, but how often do we have ANY preparation for major changes in life?  Usually we are left in the storms of life to basically " sink or swim'. And I feel like I am sinking. I need to feel safe to  let go...and for me the process of healing includes communication regarding the changes with those whom I love. I need some " farewell discourse" in times of transition. When this discourse does not happen, I feel a literal pain that will not go away.

Am I the only one who requires some sort of closure in transitions?

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