Sunday, August 24, 2014

What IS the Church? WE ARE!

 Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am fulfilled and recharged weekly by going to Mass at Beach Parish. I do not go to church for entertainment or to fill a social need or obligation { as someone with autism, I have fewer needs for social contacts than does the average person} The main reason I go to church in general and Beach Parish in particular is to worship our LORD Jesus Christ among others who proclaim Him as our Savior.

Jesus Christ is our Lord & Savior. In reality, that is all that we as Christians need to agree upon in order to get along. Jesus is LORD, and the rest is secondary. Today's Gospel lesson REALLY honed that point back to me. it matters not if we Christians label ourselves as  progressive , conservative, liturgical, evangelical, ect. It only matters that we recognize WHOM we worship on Sunday mornings & Whose life we should try to emulate daily.

I grew up with parents who did not adhere to any one faith path. My younger brother and I were taught to basically " treat others the way you want others to treat you". Our Mom, Jewish-in-name-only and our fallen-away-Roman Catholic Dad agreed before I was born to let their children choose our own paths { or to continue in their tradition of no organized faith path}

Although I remember attending Roman Catholic Mass with my paternal grandmother as a wee child, my cognizant walk with God started out in the youth choir of a small rural Presbyterian Church in Appalachian Ohio. We were required to sing at the Sunday service monthly during the school year. I suppose I can say that I first learned about Jesus through the medium of song.

It was here that I was formally introduced to the Gospels. At that point I was old enough to be curious about this person Jesus of Nazareth and wanted to know more of what He taught. It was here that the Body Of Christ mobilized to help me and my family during a time of need. At age 12 I underwent two drastic surgeries on my spine to correct severe scoliosis. These procedures required me to stay for 21 days in Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh.

Of course  my parents spent almost nightly vigils with me throughout the three long weeks, but I remember people from church visiting me and sending gifts { BOOKS!!} food and flowers. They BECAME the Body of Christ and with their help { and God, of course! } My family and I got through one of the  toughest parts of my childhood. My Christian community cared about me and showed the love of Christ in a tangible way during my 12th summer.

We gather at church on Sundays for spiritual nourishment that should carry us out into the world to BE Christ's hands and feet. We should not be afraid to Be Christ's helping hands in the world. Now, with so many people hurting in so many way throughout our local areas, it is a perfect time to live out what we say every Sunday in the Creeds.  We, 21st century coastal pilgrims, are Church.

Alleluia. Amen.

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