Monday, September 29, 2014

On Stewardship, 2013-14

Yes, its that time of the year again. Weather turns { somewhat } colder in Florida, football is on TV several times per week, and all things " pumpkin spice" appear at retailers nationwide.

In the Church year, many are familiar with the annual autumn stewardship campaigns.

Anyone who knows me is aware how I've felt in the past about this annual event in the lives of congregations everywhere.  I'll admit that I HATE discussing money and budgets-- I tend to feel depressed even THINNKING about money. I do realize that money is our basis of trade in our society, and I accept this fact. However, the subject of finances makes me feel nervous.

My past issues with financial stewardship has NOTHING to do with how I fell about pledging to my Church.  As a matter of fact, since I had my own disposable income I've ALWAYS willingly pledged a percentage to the Church.  To me, financial support of the work of the Church is a response of gratitude for the many blessings I've received.

My problem with Stewardship Season is knowing that some people's financial gifts to the Church come with " strings attached" Now I am NOT talking about one-time monetary gifts designated for a particular use for a project /ministry; those type of gifts bless many people abundantly. What I speak of is the mindset that its acceptable to not support ministries in one's diocese  and/or national Church ministries.

I've heard several justifications for this practice. Frankly, I do not agree with ANY of said justifications. It breaks my heart & sours my stomach that , to some Christians, financial support of the Church comes with " terms & conditions."

 To me ,this is just not right and totally against what Christ teaches. he did not discriminate whom He served and whom He ignored . He disregarded cultural norms when it came to helping some of those who sought His healing.

 I am on a limited income, and ALL my pledges to the Church go to wherever they need to go. I trust the leadership of both my Diocese and my National Church to make sound, prayerful choices regarding budgeting.

What can we Christians do to help others to open their minds, hearts { and pocketbooks} for the spreading of the Gospel regardless of petty disagreements with Church leadership? We are called to return a portion back to God for use in furthering The Kingdom of Shalom here on Earth.

I pray for those who still think that its acceptable to support programs and ideas what only fits with their understanding of what is Christian stewardship. I also pray that I find enough peace in my own heart to keep on doing what I feel God is calling me to do.

We all do not need to agree, but we need to come together and build up this part of God's Kingdom.


Feast Of St Michael the Archangel, 2013

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