Thursday, April 25, 2013


I checked Facebook this afternoon and saw a post from a member of the Communications Team of my Diocese regarding the work of the Committee on Structural Reform. Since I was not a voting delegate at this years' DioCgc Convention, I do not know exactly what the work of this group is commissioned to do. But in the Facebook post, they asked us to fill in the blank of this phrase:

I dream of a Diocese that_______________________________________________.

In the future, I'll write about MY hopes for our Diocese &  " brainstorm" with my readers on ways that The Episcopal Diocese of the central Gulf Coast can more effectively proclaim the Gospel that IS Jesus Christ, our Risen LORD.

One of the happenings that struck me the most when I attended DioCGC13 as a photographer was the energy that was literally palatable during the meeting & throughout the entire three days in Panama City. For the first time in my faith life, I saw a real spirit of co-operation among the lay & clerical leaders of the Church.  I also remembered witnessing what I percieved to be an inter-generational dialogue among my gneration & those leaders with a few more years' worth of life experience. :O)This is exciting.

Although I am a relatively " new" Episcopalian{ I was confirmed in May, 2009} this Church is my spiritual home. I am not positive that the learned people who are serving on the Committee On Structural reform will want to read any of my thoughts at all, but since they asked { again, via the Facebook post on the Central Gulf Coast page} for our thoughts/ideas/concerns I am more than happy to oblige.

Dare to dream with me.


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