Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter is 50 days...


We had a glorious Feast of the Resurrection at Small Parish.

Our Easter celebration started with the Great Vigil on Saturday evening.  We kindled a fire outside & then bright Christ's Light into the empty nave.

The " make-over" of the eastern wall of our altar area was revealed to those of us who attended the Vigil Mass.  the wall was repained & hanging vestments{ made by some talented parishioners} were added to the altar area.

Between Masses on Easter Sunday, we had our annual Childrens' Easter Egg Hunt. "Some Bunny" hid candy-filled plastic eggs all over the front part of the parish property.

During the 10:30 Easter mass, we witnessed a baptism of a parishioner who has been attending Small Parish for awhile. Welcome *officially* to your new Christian family, Ms B!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! The young people processed in at the 10:30 Mass with a banner full off " Alleluias" which they had symbolicly burried on the first Sunday of Lent. This banner is PROUDLY displayed on one of the walls in the church.

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