Sunday, July 27, 2014

Remembering: The " Philadelphia 11" 40 years later

This weekend marks the 40th anniversary of the anniversary of womens' ordination in The Episcopal Church. While I have only been a member of this Church for approximately 6 years, I am glad to know that my Church has been ordaining women for longer than I've been alive.

Maybe some men do not understand what a huge deal it is for we women to acknowledge this important day. Because we Episcopalians ordain both men & women whose calls are affirmed by the wider Church

This quote sums up my feelings towards what those brave women did 40 years ago:

"Women in all orders of ministry--baptized, deacons, priests, and bishops--can walk proudly today in whatever kind of shoes they want to wear because of what happened here 40 years ago."--from the Presiding Bishop's homily on the 40th anniversary of women's ordination.

This morning I had the privilege of serving at the altar at Beach Church. Our altar party consisted of men & women of all ages and life experiences. I probably will get in trouble for making this statement, but I truly believe that God does not take a human's gender into consideration when God calls someone into any type of ministry.

 Today I was reminded that it is an honor and a privilege for ALL we Christians to serve God at the altar. We are all called to do our best in whatever ministry we take part in every day. This morning I found myself standing taller and prouder as I walked with a torch in hand during the procession and recession. I did not think about my being " a girl"  & I highly doubt that any of my sister & brother parishioners did either.

I am " a girl" , and a very feminine one. While I do not hide the fact that I am feminine, neither do I think that my gender should hinder me or any other woman, in discerning how to serve God.

When I serve at the altar as a layperson, I do not concern myself with my own identity. Altar servers & clergy dress in vestments in part to " blend in" together so that no one serve stands out. Altar serving, like all other ministries, should be about pleasing God.

All the fuss that some Christians make regarding the gender of those serving at the altar seem to miss the point of what we are called to do. ALL we baptized believers are called to spread the love of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. We are not to make disciples of only men, nor are we to make disciples of only women.

O God, thank You for the witness of those brave women in Philadelphia .May other brave men & women work hard to empower all persons to live out their baptismal covenant in any way they feel led by You. In the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, Amen.


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