Friday, February 27, 2015

In celebration of women, 2015

It is hard to believe that February, 2015 is almost over. These past couple of months have been wrought with transition for me in many ways, and as anyone who knows me well can attest---I HATE TRANISTIONS . I mean I HATE transitions  of any way, shape or form. But in hindsight, these 12 months of transitions have been good for my mind and soul.

Yet, as I prepare to leave February 2015 in my " rearview mirror" I must admit that these whole past 12 months have been one long transition. Since last February I've discovered who my real friends are [ and who are the "posers" , so-called friends who are more fake than Kim Kardashian's entire body!

 I am grateful for the women who have came into my life and also for those ladies who are still part of my life. Since March is traditionally Women's History Month, each day I shall honor one woman, famous or not, who has played a big role in my life. I wish to celebrate the accomplishments of women who are known worldwide, as well as honor the ladies whose lives and work have impacted me on a more personal level.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Forgiveness is hard

This Lenten season, I am focusing on forgiving others as I have been forgiven.To be honest, this task has been more challenging than I'd anticipated.

A lot has happened in the past 12 months, and although I am grateful for where I am and with whom I associate with now, I've discovered that my heart still harbors some bitterness and anger towards certain people who have hurt me. This bothers me for two reasons:

1. Christ calls us to forgive, as He has forgiven all of us.

2. I want to be free of the bonds laid upon me by my unwillingness to forgive certain people.  My anger towards these individuals has my stomach literally tied in knots every time I recall them in any capacity. Anger holds ME down, not those at whom my anger is directed.

How can I walk towards forgiveness when all I think about when their face shows up in my mind's eye is anger at their lies and innuendos? Does forgiveness mean that I have to " make nice" with these people.

Best Dude says " everyone is different" and that I should learn to accept that some people do not have the same mores as I do. But just because some people think lying about, gossiping and  ostracizing others who are different from their little clique is acceptable doesn't mean I do. Or does it?

I do not accept mean people. Sorry, I just do not and shall not .

But does forgiveness need to encompass condoning someone's bad behavior?

Only God knows.

Monday, February 23, 2015

what I did this weekend.... Convention 2015 Reflections

First of all , let me say that it was an honor and a privilege to represent YOU as an alternate lay delegate at this year's Convention. even though I did not get to vote, the experience was a blessing and a gift and again I say thank you for this opportunity.

After the first business session I went to a meeting on the Commission for Youth, of which I am a member.  I am excited to serve our diocese in this way, and I shall update everyone of this commission's activities regularly.

I watched the election of our fourth bishop in ' real time' from the parish hall at Trinity Episcopal. The process began with a prayer, and delegates were asked to remain silent during the voting.

The election process in itself fascinated me, and I was impressed with the orderly fashion in which the election occurred. As many of you already know, the Reverend Dan Smith dropped out of the election process the day before convention met so the voting delegates were left with a slate of only three candidates. 

Canons require the winner required a majority of two-thirds in each ' house [ clergy and lay voters} to become elected. after each ballot, each candidate was phoned  with the results and asked if he wished to continue in the process.   Reverend  Ed OcConnor dropped out of the election after the second ballot, so that left  Rev. Chuck Treadwell and Rev Russell Kendrick as the choices  on the third and final ballot. Reverend Kendrick accepted his election  and will be installed as our fourth bishop this summer.

In closing, this was a wonderful, faith-affirming experience.

 Pax Christos,
Sarah Beth
Alternate Lay Delegate
St Francis of Assisi , Gulf Breeze

Saturday, February 14, 2015


I know many women adore the series '50 Shades' But for me, these books are yet another example of mass media objectifying women. It is not so much the BDSM that repels me, as is the total asshole of a character that is C. Grey.  

The author apparently { I have not read the books and do NOT plan to do so] tries to create  Grey as a brooding & mysterious type . Yet from the few detailed analyses that I've read, he is  neither brooding nor mysterious.

Why do so many young women find assholes sexy? Why do so many men wish for submissive, mousy women without minds of their own?  Although I've never been attracted to  'bad boys' many of the women I know are or have been attracted to these men. I LIKE and always have LIKED  nice guys.

I believe that the "50 Shades" series and other books/movies like this help perpetuate the ideal man as an asshole and ideal woman as a meek, mild , brainless creature. Why are not more women drawn to young Katniss in the Hunger Games series; she's independent, strong [ physically and mentally} and compassionate. THAT  is a literary heroine whom I can try to emulate instead of the naïve and superficial Ana Steele? I do not understand.

Time to change the paradigm, y'all.

Peace out, and Happy Valentines' Day.

Monday, February 9, 2015

My #Lent15 discipline

 I want to let you all know of my discipline for this Lenten season.

This season, I plan to re-read, chapter by chapter, bishop Katharine Jefforts-Schori's  book " The Heartbeat of God' AND I also shall make daily entries  in my pen-and-paper journal regarding my reflections on the daily readings. The parish I used to attend does their own Lenten meditations booklet and I would be lying if I said that I do not miss that discipline this season. so I created my own Lenten study and reflection discipline, using the wise words of one of my favorite Christian author and scholar.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

proud to live life #likeagirl

My favorite Super Bowl Sunday ad was not funny, too high-tech, nor did it involve a celebrity.  Instead, my favorite commercial had a simple yet poignant message: Why and when did the phrase " Like a girl" become so derogatory? There is nothing wrong with being a female human, but even now, girls and women are fed negative ideas about what doing things " like a girl" means.

Girls and women are NOT " wimpy"

Our bodies are different than the bodies of boys and men, but that does not mean that we are any less capable of athletic, academic and creative success.

If we work hard enough, we can become just as successful in our business and professional lives as our male colleagues. Gender does not preclude success or failure in ANYTHING.

Also: since when do the same qualities in boys and men that people attribute as ' leadership, become " bossy" when girls and women show the same traits?

Since when are strong-willed, independent women who think for themselves  seen as " less female' than women who are not as strong?

I am really tired of the veiled and not-so-veiled misogyny that I see often.

Get out of the freaking 18th century.