Friday, February 27, 2015

In celebration of women, 2015

It is hard to believe that February, 2015 is almost over. These past couple of months have been wrought with transition for me in many ways, and as anyone who knows me well can attest---I HATE TRANISTIONS . I mean I HATE transitions  of any way, shape or form. But in hindsight, these 12 months of transitions have been good for my mind and soul.

Yet, as I prepare to leave February 2015 in my " rearview mirror" I must admit that these whole past 12 months have been one long transition. Since last February I've discovered who my real friends are [ and who are the "posers" , so-called friends who are more fake than Kim Kardashian's entire body!

 I am grateful for the women who have came into my life and also for those ladies who are still part of my life. Since March is traditionally Women's History Month, each day I shall honor one woman, famous or not, who has played a big role in my life. I wish to celebrate the accomplishments of women who are known worldwide, as well as honor the ladies whose lives and work have impacted me on a more personal level.


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