Monday, February 23, 2015

what I did this weekend.... Convention 2015 Reflections

First of all , let me say that it was an honor and a privilege to represent YOU as an alternate lay delegate at this year's Convention. even though I did not get to vote, the experience was a blessing and a gift and again I say thank you for this opportunity.

After the first business session I went to a meeting on the Commission for Youth, of which I am a member.  I am excited to serve our diocese in this way, and I shall update everyone of this commission's activities regularly.

I watched the election of our fourth bishop in ' real time' from the parish hall at Trinity Episcopal. The process began with a prayer, and delegates were asked to remain silent during the voting.

The election process in itself fascinated me, and I was impressed with the orderly fashion in which the election occurred. As many of you already know, the Reverend Dan Smith dropped out of the election process the day before convention met so the voting delegates were left with a slate of only three candidates. 

Canons require the winner required a majority of two-thirds in each ' house [ clergy and lay voters} to become elected. after each ballot, each candidate was phoned  with the results and asked if he wished to continue in the process.   Reverend  Ed OcConnor dropped out of the election after the second ballot, so that left  Rev. Chuck Treadwell and Rev Russell Kendrick as the choices  on the third and final ballot. Reverend Kendrick accepted his election  and will be installed as our fourth bishop this summer.

In closing, this was a wonderful, faith-affirming experience.

 Pax Christos,
Sarah Beth
Alternate Lay Delegate
St Francis of Assisi , Gulf Breeze

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