Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Central Florida trip 2012

My first trip to the St Petersburg area of Florida from last year. Although I'd been to Tampa, this was my first time traveling down to the west-central Gulf coast via highway.

We stayed in Palm Harbor...I could walk to the Gulf from where we were staying. Many people i the neighborhood owned boats, so there were some human-made canals behind many of the houses in the subdivision.

I saw a white egret in Dunedin.

The Gulf Intercoastal Waterway down near St Petersburg looks similar to the Santa Rosa Sound where I live in Florida.

We ate hibachi one night while we were there...and I thought the ring of onions on fire made for some awesome pyro effects.

On our way home, we stopped on Cedar key, a tiny island fishing village literally in te middle of nowhere off the coast of Florida. It was COLD that day, but I loved visiting Cedar Key.  My goal for he next time we visit this charming little island is to bring back more photos of the architecture there.

The dock on Cedar Key.

                                            A pelican taking flight off the dock on Cedar Key.

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