Saturday, January 12, 2013

My main focus: Living with Autism

 My last blog focus mainly on my spiritual life.

But, at this point in my life I want to make this blog more of a general-purpose blog, with more of a focus on my life as a person with Autism. There are still many myths & misinformation regarding this condition & it is my hope & prayer that my blog will provide somewhat of a n educational experience for my readers.

My faith is a HUGE part of my life, so naturally there will be some faith-based posts every now & then.

In addition to discussing the joys & struggles of living with autism, I will occasionally write about my life BEFORE I was diagnosed { at the ripe old age of...30!}with autism.

Unlike many families whose child { and I am still my parents' " child" even though I'm well into my third decade} who receive a  diagnosis of autism, we felt RELIEF. For years, no doctors could figure out " what is wrong with Sarah" Doctors diagnosed me with several mental health condition & prescribed various drugs & psychotherapy to try to make my life better. These efforts were met with very limited success & oftentimes { as with the experiments with psychoactive prescription drugs} downright failure. It was a relief for my family and { especially} myself o know that the set of symptoms I've lived with throughout my lifetime has a legitimate neurological cause.

Please note: I am not asking for pity. My life hasn't taken the " normal" turn that most American parents want for  their daughter, but my autism is a blessing that just happens to come with some unusual challenges. I'm strong & am getting stronger every year.

Shalom, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. I've just been browsing your new blog Sara and I'm enjoying the focus and honesty in your writings.
