Monday, May 6, 2013

Instagram addict

My name is Sarah Beth & I am an Instagram addict.

Currently I am still learning the workings of the Instagram social application. It has a neat editing feature, but I've only managed to successfully edit instagram photos twice.

I wish I could figure out how to post my Instagram photos to Facebook, as some of them are worth sharing on a more personal level with my Facebook followers. My device is not " data" adaptable, so I also depend on finding wi-fi if I wish to use Instagram when I'm away from home.

My Itunes still won't synch most of my digital music library to my new device! Grr!

1 comment:

  1. I love Instagram, it's a lot of fun. There is an option in there to share on Facebook as well as Twitter, I use it a lot :) Do you have an iPhone? I've learned from experience that iTunes doesn't really play nice with Android.
