Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tank Tops! I haz tank tops!

I turned 37 years old last week----but I feel 37 years YOUNG.

This past year and a half of the fitness journey that I've named Operation Strong-is-the-New-Skinny has been a slow ride towards my goals.

However, I must say that I am fit enough in my arms, back & shoulders to wear the new tank tops that my parental units bought for my birthday without looking like a skeleton.

Photo courtesy of my Instagram account. :O)

 The cover has been removed from over the lap pool area at my fitness centre, so I've taken out the mask & swim fins this past week. I can tell that my body mass has increased, as I float much better than I did at this time last year.  Also, I , um " fill out" my bathing suit top {NATURALLY, I might add} better this year.  But more important than looking better---I feel much better & my stamina is up.

I'm still quite a long way from my goal of being " competition-ready" but I will achieve that goal in due time. Right now I celebrate the fact that I EARNED shoulders & pecs that allow me to wear tank tops & bikinis without shame.

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