Saturday, May 4, 2013

Its series of Videoblogs....

I posted my first video blog to YouTube.  If you want to follow my, email me privately at and I'll give you the name of my YouTube channel.

I'm not quite sure how often I will post the video blogs, nor what each post will entail. Some of the ideas that I've brainstormed are:

Books I've read or am currently reading

Current events{ and I promise to not get political , as I HATE politics}

Famous people whose work I admire & why I admire her/his work.

TV shows I watch. { I'm a big fan of NCIS, Duck Dynasty & The Big Bang Theory}

Right now I am thinking about my next vidlog entitled" Front Porch Vidlog: #Episcopalian.  Although I missed the proverbial boat  for the Church's "I am Episcopalian" campaign, it isn't too late for me to post my own video about that subject.

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