Sunday, March 3, 2013

#ThisIsWhatAFeministLooksLike : Lisa Bloom

Through the miracle that is Facebook technology,I've had the pleasure of getting to " know" TV commenter, lawyer & author Lisa Bloom on a slightly more personal level.  I have not yet met her in person, but  wnt to do so! Although I am a carnivore, if Lisa Bloom came to town & we could have lunch together I would totally eat at Pensacola's only vegan eatery!

I first became aware of Ms Bloom from her work as a CNN legal analyst. She isn't afraid to state her legal analysis & does not always tout " conventional wisdom" in her legal analysis.

She has written two books, both of which I own & have read.

Her first book , _Think_ discusses the " dumbing down" of American girls & women & ho this phenomena has and will be detrimental to society. In the second part of this tome, Ms Bloom offers some great suggestion as to help girls  and women reclaim our brainpower.

The second book, _Swagger_ focuses on the " thug culture" that surrounds us and how THIS is detrimental to society. Again, she suggests way that we can combat this thug culture and teach boys and young men how to BE men.

Brava, Ms Bloom. Brava.

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