Wednesday, March 13, 2013

White Smoke

At the Vatican, white smoke came from the chimney in the Sistine Chapel.

The Bishop Of Rome has a new leader. He is an Argentinian with roots in Europe, speaks four languages and authored several books.

My form of Catholicism is not of the Romish variety, but I do love our Roman Catholic sisters & brothers. I am happy that such a seemingly humble servant of God has been elected to the papacy.

As an American Anglican, I appreciate what my Presiding Bishop said regarding the election of the new " "Papa"

++ Katharine Jefferts-Schori said :

"The Episcopal Church will pray for the new Bishop of Rome, Francis I, and for the possibility of constructive dialogue between our Churches."

Amen, Bishop Katharine. I could not have said my feelings regarding the election of the new Bishop of Rome myself. From what I've read about the new Pope, I am very hopeful.

May God bless the Pope and may the one holy catholic Church work towards reconciliation & becoming more like our LORD, Jesus Christ.

Gloria en excelsis Deo!


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