Friday, March 15, 2013

Viva la Papa!{ and yes, I am an Anglican!}

Viva Papa Francis !

I am an Anglican, and very very proud of my Episcopal Church.  I am spiritually " home" as an Episcopalian & will eventually die as one & wish for my life to be celebrated at a high_Church Rock-n-roll Mass. { complete with incense, ringing of bells & chanting of the Psalms}

That being said, the more I learn about Pope Francis I, the more I feel that he is the person to lead the Church Universal. I think that we will  eventually witness a new, more compassionate era in the history of Christianity. I was not a fan of Benedict 16---and I have many reason  which I do not wish to discuss in a public forum. Email me at if you wish to know what my misgivings were about Cardinal Ratzinger's leadership.

                                  Here is one of my favorite photos of the new Bishop of Rome:

I left the Presbyterian Church  mostly in part due to my lack of spiritual fulfilment in their Calvinist worship services. In retrospect I know now that I only stayed as a Presbyterian for as long as I did because it was all I really knew. The Presbyterians baptized & nurtured me as a teen & young adult & I am thankful to them for providing me with that good foundation in Scripture-literacy.

  My father's family are Irish-American Catholics, so { although I never was Roman Catholic by practice] I've grown up with an appreciation of Roman Catholic tradition and {ESPECIALLY} Roman Catholic liturgy. During all my years as a Presbyterian I always thought that Communion was not just as " memorial" of Our Lord's sacrifice. To me, the pomp & circumstance of a Sunday Mass is NOT about any of the people present --it is about glorifying God using the elements given to humanity by our loving Creator. The first time I attended Sunday mass at Small Parish I knew I came HOME & it was a glorious feeling.

 Through my entire existence on Earth I have always struggled with the social positions that are taught as part of Roman Catholic doctrine, as I am of the opinion that God gave us minds for discernment.  my libertarian principles tell me that its moot to try to legalize morality, either by secular or Church legislation.  {Ask my parents how much I do NOT like people making decisions about MY life. }

*Steps off of soap box now*

Anyhow, the Anglican-Catholic that I am sings happy praises in the election of a new Pope.  It is my hope & prayer that he will be a pastor & leader that will bring all branches of the one, holy, Catholic & apostolic Church" together to fulfill God's vision of "shalom".

Amen. Gloria en excelsis Deo!

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