Saturday, May 17, 2014

Navigating the " Storms " Psalm 121

Anyone who has followed the news at all these last couple of weeks knows about the intense storms that the Gulf Coast endured massive rainstorms . the resulting flooding has left many Gulf Coast residents with flood damage.

 Best Dude and I managed to get by with minimal flooding on out bayou-front property { our " bayou " is really a creek back where we live}  Our neighbors were not so blessed. Two lots down the road from our home the entire house flooded. Although the water has abated, the owners obviously suffered a great deal of loss.

Currently I am going through a " storm" of sorts in my own life. Without delving into much detail, suffice it to say that I feel " displaced". Part of my community has been disturbed , and I feel sadness and fear from not knowing what the future holds.

 I struggle with trusting people and their motivations and I fear for the future as I know it now.  As someone with Autism, change of any sort frightens me.  I've never been one who claims patience as a virtue, and the state of " not knowing" is to me worse than even a bad outcome that is certain.

People with no or limited knowledge of Autism cannot fathom the stress that ANY change causes we people with Autism. Our brains respond the best to a routine, and when that routine is broken { for whatever reason] it causes our " fight or flight" mode to go in high gear.

Am I " taking flight" to avoid this current stressful situation?

Yes and no.

During the immediate chaos that surround any change, the emotions of others always are high. I cannot deal with those stress-induced hormones, so the best thing for me is to remove myself from the stressful situation.

I am useless when it comes to cleanup after any " storm". The best way I can be of help is to step back and stay out of the way.

A priest at another parish that I attend sometimes reminded readers in the monthly parish newsletter that God is with us---no matter what type of storm { Physical, emotional, and especially spiritual---all have the potential to cause chaos. }

Psalm 121 says : " I lift up my eyes to the hills---
from where does my help come?
                              " my help comes from the LORD,
Who makes Heaven and Earth.
                              He will not let your foot be moved
He who keeps you will not
                              slumber. "

This is what I must remember as I move forward in faith. Even when I do not sense God, our God is there. People are unpredictable, but God is constant. In fact, God and that God's own Son gave His life for us is the ONLY constant in this chaotic world.

Alleluia. Amen.

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