Thursday, June 20, 2013

another foray into the world of fiction{writing}

My muse is back. She has taken quite a long hiatus, but returned in full-force.


There is nothing quite like one's approaching 20th high school reunion { next summer, Class of 1994!} to put one into a retrospective mood.

Anyhow, I recently signed up for the online fiction-writing & sharing community called { my screen name there is: sarahbethmac}  I'm still in the process of writing my first fiction to be published there, but if anyone is interested, just message me on Facebook. I can let you know when I upload the finished product.

One of my reasons for joining is so I can get some online motivation & accountability from other writers. years ago I was part of a writers group here in Beach Town, but I've since stopped attending meeting  after I realized I hadn't any work to share with others. Plus, since I cannot drive, attending the nighttime meetings depended heavily on rides from other people.

Anyhow, the basic premise of my story is as follows:

A woman returns to her hometown in time for her 20th high school reunion. She agrees to meet an old flame from her college years at a restaurant.near her alma mater. As they chat, they both come to realize that, although they will always be good friends, their lives have taken them in paths that are not compatible now.

This story is actually one that has been " floating" around in my mind  since I first heard the Garth Brooks song _Unanswered Prayers_.


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