Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Various & sundry musings.....

I know it has been awhile since I have composed an update.

It is hot as Hades here in Northwest Florida. I'm still going to the gym faithfully almost every day & I'm REALLY seeing results of my training. This morning I completed the 30-minute pre-set "cardio challenge" on the treadmill **and** followed this intense workout with some lifting. I was tired , but after a rest & a healthy lunch I felt reinvigorated.

Life has been treating me , Best Dude & our dog pretty well lately.

I went to Atlanta last weekend for my sister-in-law's baby shower & it was okay{ I've never been the sort of woman who enjoys bridal or baby showers--but this one WAS for my soon-to-be-born nephew after all!} It was great to get the heck out of Beach Town for a weekend & on Saturday my Original Family & I ate supper at a very hip little diner  that specialized in healthy { and mostly vegetarian} cuisine.

My trip to the mountains will happen in approximately one week. This morning I started gathering clothing that I plan to pack to take with me. Since AirTran charges 25 dollars per trip per luggage, I am squashing everything I need into one carry-on-sized suitcase & my one " personal item" bag. I've done this before & with a bit of planning & access to a laundry facility it is possible.  I have the money to pay these baggage fees, but I object to doing so on principle. Really, I cannot see the reason { other than pure corporate greed} for charging paying passengers an additional fee just to check ONE bag through to one's destination.

Anyhow, that is what has been happening in my life.

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