Sunday, July 7, 2013

One Bread, One Body

I've been on vacation for the past 11 days , and it has been wonderful.

The majority of my time here in Appalachia was spent at my godparents' campground in Ohio. I swam, boated, and hiked all over the place & visited with several friends from high school . One of the highlights of my time at the lake was a long-awaited { 16 years!!} reunion with a friend from First College.

Naturally I took many photos & eventually I will pare down the " best of the best" of the vacation photos for public viewing.

Today I will go to Roman Catholic mass at St Pauls' Roman Catholic Parish here in Steel Town, PA. While it is true that I am a proud Episcopalian, at heart I am a high-Church Anglo-Catholic. As a matter of fact, when I was in the middle of my faith-identity crisis---I {albeit briefly} considered officially returning to the Roman Church. There are a myriad of reasons why I felt led to Anglicanism, but the main reason is our style of worship & other Traditions mirror that of the Roman Church.

Some of my Roman Catholic friends will totally disagree with me, but I feel that Anglican & Roman Catholics ARE different branches of the same Body of Christ. My reasons for choosing the Anglican way over the Roman  had to do with human-made rules.

We are all part of One Bread & One Body.


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