Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Only the good die young" and other musings

My friend  was called Home to his Maker a couple of days ago.

I am heartbroken. Although my faith teaches me that he is in a better place & without suffering, my heart aches for the wife & grown sons that he left behind on this Earth.

Requisitat en pacem, " G". You were a true hero & a friend to so many.

After praying for the repose of my friend's soul, I started asking God WHY.

Why must a good man like " G" die young of a horrible disease when there are so many " lifers" in our prison systems who spend their healthy days locked in a cell & taken care of by our government?

Why must our government spend billions of dollars planning to police the world with gunships and other weapons while saying that there isn't enough money in the coffers to give combat veterans access to the health care they need & deserve?

Why must children go to bed without supper when lobbyists wine & dine members of Congress? Why do lobbyists even exist?

Why , if one dares to question the " party line" fed to us by the mainstream media & the corporations who control our elected officials is one referred to as unpatriotic? A person can love his or her nation and still passionately dislike its government & the people in charge of said government.

Why must some upper-middle-class & wealthy Americans use their money to bully people & organizations into following "their" agenda?

Why must there even BE agendas? Life would be so much more pleasant if we humanoid s would just learn to get along.

Think about it:

A society free from bullies.

A society where equality for all persons, regardless of their " other-ness" is fully achieved.

A government that takes care of her people before seeking out ways to bend other nations to its will.



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