Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering, but not dwelling

I love blogs. Most of the blogs I follow are those of people whom I know in real life {IRL}

Anyhow, today I saw a blog by my rector that REALLY made me think.

I see a lot of posts on Facebook today about the anniversary of 11 September 2001. Heck, I even posted my own " where I was when the planes hit" status today.

My rector's musings on his blog today were NOT the average 11 September 2001 musings.

he reminded us that, when it is right & good to pause in remembrance  of the tragedy that occurred today, we must not forget to LIVE.

In the years before & sine 2001, this day on the calendar has been cause for celebrations for countless people. Birthdays, anniversaries & other " milestones" of human life have & always will occur on this day.

After all, there ore only 365 or {every four years) 366 days in every rotation around our sun.

It is good to remember & pay respect to collective tragedies that occur within our history. Yet we also need to celebrate all that makes life good--and celebrate each & every day.


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