Thursday, October 24, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude

I am embarking on a social/ personal experiment. Starting tomorrow, every day I will post to social media ONE thing{ no matter how seemingly small} for which I have gratitude.  In addition to the " Dose of Thankfulness posts, I will do my best to journal my thoughts each day regarding this exercise.

Care to join me? " Friend" me on Facebook .  My public Facebook page is " Tales Of A Coastal Hillbilly" & Its accessible to anyone on Facebook.  I do not give out my real name to strangers online, but if you know me in real life & are not yet a Facebook friend, please feel free to request me.

Anyhow, I know times are tough , but many of us have so much more than we realize---even in today's lousy economy Americans are still at the top of the world economy{ though for how long this will be true is anyone's guess}

November is an ideal time to " count our blessings. Please consider joining me in this online endeavor.


1 comment:

  1. Hi I have autism to an learing disablity it head people don't understand if I notice someone staring or I'm haveing a meltdown or whatever .i carry autism card .i was in sped till 22 after that it like u don't excit any more an it hader to get help .were you in sped as a child
