Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Reason to Relay

I'm more involved in this year's Relay For Life campaign.  Currently I am working with the Survivor/Caregiver committee.

Pictured below is a photo of my Reason To Relay:

The man on the left was my Pap, my paternal grandfather.  He died in 2001 from his second bout of prostate cancer. The man on the right is my Dad. This photo was taken years ago { before I was born} on the island of Martha's Vineyard.

I miss him everyday. Although I was blessed with having Pap in my life for 23 years: his was the first death that really " hit home" for me.

Cancer takes away so many people each year. This hear I also lost a dear friend to his disease & several people I know in my parish are fighting it now.

The American Cancer Society is leading the course for a cure . Will you help me help find a cure for cancer  so that someday everyone will have " more birthdays"? Thanks.

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