Friday, December 27, 2013

For some, a " Blue Christmas"

For most of us, it has been a merry Christmastide, filled with family, friendship, worship and food. I am among the blessed this Christmastide. Best Dude & I participated in a lovely Christmas Eve Mass at Small Parish Tuesday night followed by fun, frolicking and FOOD at my parents' house on Christmas Day.

But for some people, this Christmastide ushered in unspeakable sadness.

A family whom I know in Ohio lost their 38 year old son to an illness on Christmas eve. 

Closer to home, a 17-year-old student at a neighboring high school stabbed his mother to death in their home. the young man is being charged as an adult for second-degree murder . His late mother was a teacher at one of the local middle schools, so this senseless act of violence affects two local school communities.

I am sad. And I feel guilty because I am among my loved ones this Christmastide and others I know are suffering from a terrible loss.

We need to remember that not everyone is in a celebratory mood this Christmas season. Around the world, people are hurting .

Life isn't fair all of the time and sometimes life just sucks!  People get sick and other people commit acts of unspeakable violence against one another.  But the world into which Jesus was born was not " a rose garden" either.  Yet God loved humanity so much that God sent Jesus to live among us AS A HUMAN. he felt pain. He was sad at times.  He was betrayed by a friend before He died.

Emmanuel, " God-as-Human" came to us & is still with us today. he understands that even during the " most wonderful time of the year" that some are hurting.

The baby whose birth we celebrate at this time of year DOES understand that some people are having a Blue Christmas.


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