Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hey you, Mr Robertson

There is some " Quackery" going on regarding Duck Dynasty's patriarch  and his views on homosexuality today. When I turned on my laptop this morning and logged on to Facebook I was saturated with comments about what Robertson patriarch said regarding his views on homosexuality.

Now don't get me wrong: I totally disagree with Phil Robertson's views on homosexuality. I Totally think his views are errant. Several of my close associates and one member of my family are GLBT. My life is enriched by having these folks in it & I would not want them to try to " change" an essential part of their identity.

 But on the other hand, I will continue to enjoy the entertainment his show provides to me. I grew up among many men who look a lot and act very much like Mr Robertson. { If y'all think rednecks are conservative, come to where I grew up & meet my hillbilly kin and friends}  One does not need to agree with the star of any " reality TV" show to enjoy the entertainment value of said shows. I've read Phil Robertson's book, and I came away from that thinking that he { Robertson} tries to do what he thinks is right. Sometimes I found myself agreeing with his philosophies, and other times I think his views are rather extreme.

The bottom line is: we need not agree with Mr Robertson to appreciate his show. Similarity, we need not agree with Chik-Fil-A's anti-homosexual stance to enjoy the occasional sandwich from that franchise.

Live & let live.


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