Saturday, February 8, 2014


Due to some " technical difficulties" at our house last evening, I spent most of the time reading a new novel that I 'd bought  just for the occasion. It is so good that I've ALREADY completed almost half of the book in one three-hour setting.

The book is _Divergence_ the first novel in a trilogy of novels by author Veronica Roth. Some bookish friends have been recommending these novels to me , so I FINALLY bought an old-fashioned paper copy of the first book in the trilogy yesterday afternoon.

Take my advice & READ THIS NOVEL!

I will not add any plot spoilers---so please take my advice & read this novel if you have not yet done so.

The trilogy is geared towards teen and young adults, but the storyline is one that any book-nerd can appreciate. The lead character Beatrice  or" Tris" as she is called in the novel, is a heroine on par with Katniss Everdeen and Hermione Granger. She's smart, compassionate and tries really hard to do what is right. But she is not without flaws.

Growing up, I had too damn few literary role models that were girls & women. During my pre-teen and early teen years I wasted so much time reading such " teen-lit" as Sweet Valley High and The Babysitter's Club" books. In retrospect, I see now that these books { especially SVH} are poorly written and lack any sort of strong female characters. It is heartwarming to see so many strong, smart & capable female literary characters are emerging in the YA fiction genre.

Thank you, Ms Roth, for creating a novel series featuring a very well-done yet believable female lead character.

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