Tuesday, February 11, 2014

" Counting Calories" at the gym

This morning I overheard { despite my best intentions to TUNE OUT the conversation} a trainer and a client chatting about counting calories. Now I realize that everyone elses' wellness goals are different, but as someone who is and always will be in recovery from disordered eating, I found this whole exchange between the two women triggering. the client was not overweight in the least U chatted LOUDLY to her trainer about how little she eats per day.

Heartbreaking. :O(

I was an athlete during high school who also suffered from disordered eating. I will not delve into the details, but it will suffice to say that I ate way too few calories for a normal teen girl, let alone one who ran constantly at JV basketball practice each day after classes.  I was OBSESSED with eating as few calories as possible without literally fainting from lack of glucose.

My parents have my sophomore and junior high school yearbooks, and I cannot bear to look at the photos of myself during these years.  I totally bought into the media's obsession with " thin is in" and  the resulting disordered eating has left me with some irreparable health problems. I am eternally grateful that I survived the years of self-abuse incurred by my eating disorders.

 It saddens me that some women STILL feel that " thin is in". the media still tells we women how we " should" look like and that there is something " wrong" with women who do not meet their ridiculous ideal of " feminine beauty" . This is so damaging to women & girls----eating disorders DO NOT go away just because someone has changed her{ or in rarer cases HIS} behaviors towards food & exercise. Recovery, as with other behavioral illnesses, is ongoing.

Damn it, I hate my acute sense of hearing. My strategy for the next time I see these two together in the gym: place the ear buds back into my ears and turn up the music! I've no time for that " calorie counting" nonsense in my healthy lifestyle.

That's all.

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