Tuesday, March 4, 2014

#Lent14 begings tomorrow

Happy Mardi Gras!

Be sure to go to your local Episcopal or Roman Catholic church this evening and get your fill of a delicious pancake supper.

Lent is the traditional penitential season of the Church Year. For the past three years, rather than " giving up " something this season, I've challenged myself to " take on" some sort of discipline. I've found this to be a more spiritually-fulfilling practice than one of fasting from something. Each person has his or her own Lenten disciplines & all that bring us closer to Our Lord are worthwhile.

This year, I am taking on making time for more " study" time. I've been lax in my study of Scripture and other spiritual-type works. I asked a friend of mine who attends another parish in the diocese for her recommendations

 Although I am naturally curious, circumstances, financial or otherwise, have been used as an excuse to focus less and less time in study. Our Church is built on the " three-legged stool": Scripture, Tradition & Reason and more Reason can be gleaned by study.

When I was active in the EfM program, " study" was a part of my routine. Since we lack an EfM group at my parish right now , I've found less time to study anything. This is sad, as I am a lifelong learner but when one does not drive & has limited funds it is a challenge to find opportunities to deepen one's faith through study Ive looked at several books {e-book format}online and saw a cornucopia of selections.

Be well, and may we all be blessed with a holy Lent. .

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