Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Elevator pitch...Why I am an Episcopalian

Recently there has been a Facebook trend among some Episcopalians I know on Facebook. the challenge is to write one paragraph stating why you are an Episcopalian. Apparently this type of exercise is called an " elevator pitch".

At any rate: here is mine.


I believe in the Jesus, as the Son & Second Person of the Triune God.  I also believe that He teaches humanity what it means to be a good person. In the Episcopal Church I've found meaningful worship and a worldwide community of Christians who strive hard to discern what it means to follow our First-Century Jewish Carpenter Lord and Savior into the twenty-first century. Although we are not a perfect people, we are a people that tries , with integrity, to follow Our Lord's way. CS Lewis said" I don't go to religion to make me happy, I always knew a bottle of port would do that." I am not an Episcopalian because it is 'trendy' or that the Church always makes me 'happy. I belong in this branch of the One Holy and Catholic Church because we are an imperfect people trying our best to follow our perfect Lord.


Feast of the Annunciation , 2014

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