Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mean Girls

I was bulled throughout much of my childhood.

Bullies suck, and I always wondered what will happen to these insecure children who must prey on " weaker" or " different" children in order to find some security.

Mean girls in school become mean girls in adulthood.

Their mode of operations  probably will become more sophisticated, but they are the same catty, two-faced wrenches who made the school years of many people a living hell. They group together around one who is perceived as the "Queen Bee" and scan the workplace or other social outlet in today's adult would for a woman whom they perceive as weaker. They appear to befriend their victim, and she, grateful for the companionship, accepts their conditional friendship.

According to the Queen Bee's whim, the group of girls take turns including and excluding their victim. She repeatedly forgives them for their abuse after all, they DO include her { At least half of the time & when the are not whispering about her in clandestine gatherings. No matter how hard she tries, she does not feel totally validated or accepted by her " friends".  Until , "egged on by Queen Bee" the Mean Girls do something so hurtful to their victim that she ends up in counseling or starts to exhibit forms of unhealthy behaviors. Eventually the victim DOES break away from the Mean Girls, but she never forgets the  abuse by her alleged " friends".

From the playground to the work place & all places where humans gather socially. Mean girls still exist. When they are adults, it is harder to identify their Queen Bee, but rest assured that she is there. Adult Mean Girls are even harder to identify.


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