Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Storytelling as medicine

I realized today that I am no longer angry.  My anger has been replaced with a sadness & sense of loss. Some recent events in my life have wounded me deeply and for weeks I  irritated a  festering psychic wound. My " burden" has been considerably lifted, and I am at peace with the situation now.

Tonight I am proud to say that I am so OVER IT ALL. Truly. My anger has dissipated.

Instead of anger, I feel sadness. Sadness is not a positive emotion, but sadness is somehow less caustic than anger. Yet I know that the Great Physician will heal me in due time. I also know that healing will not take place in a vacuum Our faith is meant to be practiced in COMMUNITY.

We Christ-followers need to share our stories. By doing so, we remind each other of God's Presence in our lives. When we are in the midst of a situation, we often fail to see God working amidst the chaos. God does work to heal hurts caused by humans being humans...let's face it we are all egotistical creatures who can be selfish and cruel to each other.

I am blessed to have people who allow me to tell my story & " own" my emotions. Sadly, I tend to hang onto grudges and nurse wounds. But my dear friends have listened patiently to my story, and did not force their advice onto me.

Wounds, whether they be emotional or physical, are part of our stories. And it is by telling our stories to each other than bonds of affection form.  I am able to heal thanks to a large part of willing ears & open hearts who LISTEN to my story without prejudging me. I try my best to be an active and effective listener. Sometimes all we need is someone to listen to our stories, and not to offer advice.

Thanks be to God for stories & the ability to share them with each other. And thanks be to the Great Physician who heals us and sustains us through anything our sister & fellow humans can throw at us.


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