Saturday, August 16, 2014

RIP Robin Williams { A little late, but sincere nonetheless}

There has been a lot on social media and the Internet regarding the tragic passing of one of my all-time favorite actors, the late Robin Williams. When I first learned of his death, I'd originally thought it to be another one of the sick but all-too-common Internet pranks.

Sadly, Robin William's suicide at the young age of 63 is too real. My heart still aches, as he has been one of the few entertainers whose work has defined my childhood{ and made me laugh  out loud at every movie in which that he played a part and rerun of _Mork And Mindy_}

It is hard to believe that an entertainer as talented as Williams is no longer with us. Its even sadder to think that his depression  left him feeling literally without hope.

Mental illness knows no race, class, gender, family status, ect. Many individuals suffer silently with mental illness including, but not limited to depression.  There are limited, if any medical facilities that can care for patience who suffer from severe mental illnesses and many people lack the financial resources necessary to cope with these chronic  yet very REAL health problems.

As someone with autism coupled with chronic depression I've suffered my share of  " bad" days. I know firsthand what it is like to wake up  with a total lack of hope for a better tomorrow---and on my worst days hope for even a better next few hours.

 Depression of any sort is a pain that I would not wish on the most vile person living on Earth and I am grateful that medications have helped me to manage both my depression & some of the traits of my autism. { Medications do NOT cure autism, but I've discovered that medication doe help me to cope with my extreme sensory integration problems & also helps me literally " Keep Calmer" when I am overwhelmed. Although I take my medications faithfully, some days are decidedly more difficult than other days.

My struggles with mental illness is something that I do not like to discuss. But if sharing parts of my story with the parts of my community will help others understand  more about chronic depression and Autism, than I am willing to share.  As there is not a " typical" person with Autism, neither is there a " typical" person who suffers from depression & related illnesses.

May Robin Williams' soul requisitat en pacem. And may we honor his memoriy by educating ourselves and others on issues and solutions pertaining to mental health.

In the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, AMEN.

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