Friday, December 19, 2014

Quote of the day.

Hi, my name is Sarah Beth and I am addicted to quotes. Today one came across my Facebook page that I HAD to share, both on my personal page, via email, and here with my blog readers.

Sister Joan, Chissiter , a spiritual hero of mine, addressed a crowd at Wessally College . Here is part of what she told the packed " house' gathered to listen to the wisdom from the 78-year-old Catholic nun.

Without further ado, here is the promised quote:

"Choose what’s best in life over what is comfortable. Chose witness in life over the country club scene … Find a purpose large enough on which to spend yourselves. Torture, climate change, something that says, ‘my life isn’t over. This is yet to be done.’ What will they remember about you when you’re gone? What are you doing now that will not be forgotten"

This reminds me of what Jesus says in His famous Sermon On The Mount. Jesus does not call His followers to be complacent. we are not supposed to sit idle when there is so much injustice happening in our world.  We are called to be agents of healthy change, to be peacemakers in a world filled with wars and other conflicts. We are called to be meek...and by meek I DO NOT mean " weak" and to not seek revenge when wronged upon.

We are called to care for the earth and all its inhabitants. We are called to get out of ourselves and see how we can be of service to others.  We are called to love and honor all persons, even those whose lifestyles make no sense to us. A Christians, we are called to LOVE each other---- in spite of petty differences of opinions, lifestyles, political affiliations, ect.

Rather on focusing on what divides us, we should focus on solving problems that affect all of humanity. As we move towards the beginning of another calendar year, let us remember to live a life that matters. Don't live life for yourself, try instead to BE a change that is much needed right now.


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