Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In this house.....

I found today's quote on  Pinterest{ I am a confessed Pinterest addict]

Anyhow, without further ado, here is the quote for today:

"In this house,
all must be friends,
all must be loved,
all must be held dear,
all must be helped."
              ~St Teresa of Avila.

I wish that my brother & sister Christ-followers would heed the advice of this little nun.

The Church that Jesus founded is not a Church of exclusion. It was , and still IS a Church of INCLUSION. Scripture is full of stories with Our Lord Jesus went out of His way to help those who were different than Him and His followers.

Today is the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, DC and the famous "I have a Dream" speech by Dr Martin Luther King , Junior.

We have come a long way in our quest for civil rights for everyone in the 50 years since Dr King spoke at the March on Washington.

Even in 21st Century America and even in the Church Universal, I see a lot of divisions.

Racism, although more hidden and not " politically-correct" is still alive & well in some parts of this great nation. Thankfully, I see the next generation as much more accepting of racial diversity than our for bearers.

Women in business still earn less per capita than their equally-qualified male counterparts.

Hetero-centricity still runs rampant. My heart aches for my GLBT Christian sisters & brothers who are denied basic civil rights. Young GLBT persons struggle with the " coming out " process , often fearing severe repercussion from family members. The school of thought that GLBT persons can be " cured" of their " condition  via reparative therapy is still held as truth among some circles.

Humanity is wonderful in its diversity.  Despite the kicking & screaming fits of the WASP, society is becoming more tolerant of diversity.

Let us keep on fighting the good fight  and marching towards shalom.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

A wee bit homesick{ or, "I hate August & September in Florida}

Sometimes one just needs to " gripe."

I'll commence with the good news: Best Dude has been slowly but surely building our chicken coop.  Here is a photo of the past few days' work on Project Bock Bock Bock Jack:

He added the walls & even windows. You cannot see it in the photo, but there is also a floor.  We have an old desk that will serve as our nest/roost area for the chickens.

In other news: I hate summers in Florida and I am so weary of this RAIN! Normally I am no fan of August & September{ Florida summers are hot, humid & LONG!} I grew up in the northeast, so when August of each year rolls around I am ready to don long pants & a light jacket. After nearly 15 years of living in Florida I am still not accustomed to these 7-month-long summers. People who live up North and think that living in the State of Perpetual Sunshine means 12 months of Beach Weather you are sadly mistaken.  It has been so rainy this summer that I never attained my customary Florida tan.  If it is not raining the humidity deems any sort of outdoor activity  as miserable.

 I am not the only one in our household who despises this weather.Our dog does not even enjoy his morning walks when the humidity is so high---and he REALLY hates walking in the torrential rain.

Summers in Florida are just too damn long. Autumn & Spring in Florida are way too damn short.  I miss my four seasons.

I am grateful that the coast has {thus far} avoided being hit by a " H-Storm". But , since my trip back to the Northern Appalachians, I've yearned for a reprieve from the rain, humidity and broiling temps And I shall admit it here: I miss my friends up North. As much as I try, I am not & probably never will be a true Floridian.  August & September are the two months out of the year that I really feel my  geographical " otherness" .

I miss hills, big shade trees that molt their leaves every autumn, cooler " football weather", snow, , watching EVERY Steeler football game on TV, and a host of other tidbits of life in Northern Appalachia. Yet I cannot deny that Northwest Florida is home now...and that I have carved out a good life for myself here.

It is not easy to bloom where I am planted. Deep within myself I know that I am meant to be here & I do not wish to mess up the equilibrium of my life as it is currently.

Neither Best Dude nor I play the lottery, but if I won said lottery I'd find us a small plane for frequent trips up North.


Friday, August 23, 2013

feminism is not always about hating men

I found a quote today that speaks to my philosophy on feminism.

" You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman." ~ Jane Galvin Lewis

I am a feminist. Yet I would rather be the lone woman among a group of men than among a group of women. I derive more positive energy from mixed-gender groups than I do in a group of humans of my own gender.

Some of my dearest friends are men and I value them as much as many of my feminist-leaning friends value their gal pals. In some ways men make better friends than women, as there is not the competition that is often seen among friends of my gender.  Gloria Steinem is the perfect example of the fierce man-hater who is held on the proverbial pedestal by the mainline feminist movement. Now I know full well that she's an icon in womens' history but I disagree with her on many issues.

I do count several women among my closest confidants, but unlike many women I know I do not actively seek out new girl friends. Actually, I don't seek out many new friendships at all & am pleasantly surprised when one forms.

It baffles me that some women think that   "womens' equality must mean man-hating.  Is not the purpose of the womens' movement EQUALITY with men? How can one profess to be equal with men & still harbor such bitterness towards the opposite gender? Think about it: we are all HUMAN & to me the fight for equality should not place any one group of humans as " better than" another group.

Of course my version of feminism calls for me to take pride in being a woman. Unlike many in the "femi-nazi" school of thought, I totally enjoy dressing and behaving like a traditional woman.

For instance, today I went shopping for a new dress. I am very particular about dresses & sought out a dress that was longer in length . { It was quite a hunt, but I did find a pretty dress that met my specifications}I also enjoy cooking good meals for Best Dude. Now of course I do not feel that its " the woman's job" to enjoy cooking  and that " women MUST look like women" but it IS part of who I am.

As a feminist I feel its my prerogative to be the sort of female person that I see fit.  I do not think that man-hating is doing anything to help women. More importantly, I love Best Dude AND all my guy friends & feel grateful for their presence in my life.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Introverts are awesome

I'm introverted. In addition to having mild autism, I am also naturally introverted. It is not that I do not like people, it is just that constant and meaningless " chitchat" drains my energy.

Some people with autism are very extroverted and I am sure they have their own unique struggles. But as an introverted person on the autism spectrum, I have the "double trouble" of not understanding people and also feeling physically & emotionally " drained" by prolonged social interactions.

I enjoy meaningful conversations with my closest friends { both online & in person} But parties and other such events drain my energy  and leave me tired , grumpy and in the worst cases, feeling physically ill.  Small groups of people whom I know are tolerable & sometimes even fun but I will never master the art of "small talk".

While introversion is a prized trait in some cultures of the world, but not so much in our fast-paced " Western" culture.  Its often the quiet ones who are overlooked in favor of their equally-qualified colleagues when it comes to promotions. Since we introverts do not do well in the " networking" arena, its hard for us to find our {carefully-thought-out}words before an extrovert easily chats up the very person with whom we had hoped to communicate.

Politics of any sort can be a horrible experience for we introverts. Even  something as an election to a church governing board puts us at a disadvantage since we are uncomfortable with chit-chat. Best Dude pointed out to me once that people will vote for who they know & since yours truly does not do idle talk very well, not many really KNOW me or my ideas.  Of course I have ideas---but since I'm not a talker, I am uncomfortable with sharing said ideas with casual acquaintances.

I'm happy with who I am. But I do wish that the extroverts in my life would realize that there is a lot more to me than they realize.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Chicken Coop Progress

 Best Dude added some more to the chicken coop.

The roof is framed.

He plans to shingle the roof of the chicken house.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Bock Bock Bock , Jack

I know that the _Duck Dynasty_ reference did not register with people who do not follow the hit show on A & E. Best Dude & I are faithful " Quackers" and naturally I anticipate the new episode that will air on Wednesday.

Anyhow, Best Dude & I are planning to raise chickens{ hens, NOT roosters!!} Currently he is in the process of building a coop for the 6-8 hens whom we hope to add to our little homestead soon.

Here is the progress that he has made in the Building Of The Coop so far. These photos were taken with my Nikon and edited on the Toshiba laptop computer.

This is the wood that Brian got for the coop.

After must debate, we finally agreed on just where in the backyard that said coop will go. Since we opted for a permanent structure{ as opposed to the " chicken tractor" option"} we had to carefully choose the place where our chickens will roost.
This is the frame of the chicken house. Brian built these out of pressure-treated lumber.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Things I would tell my 18-year-old self.....

Have you ever wondered what you would tell your younger self if you had a chance to time-travel?

One of my favorite Brad Paisley songs is " Letter To Me" The lyrics basically are a letter to Mr. Paisley's 17-year-old self.

If I could write a letter to myself  during the summer that I graduated from high school, this is what I would say:

Dear 18-year-old Sarah Beth:

Congrats! After four years of hell, you made it through high school.  Much awaits you on this journey called adulthood.

You WILL make it through college: although your post-secondary academic career will take a detour.

Don't worry, your first three years of undergrad will NOT be a waste of time--- you'll meet some of your dearest friends { and your first true love} at Small College. Your faith in God will grow, and Campus Ministries will be instrumental in the development of both your social and spiritual life.  Embrace all the opportunities that your time at Small College offers, both the good & the not-so-good times. Take a variety of demanding courses and do not worry about graduating in four years--- so much more is ahead of you than you can ever imagine as a college freshman.

Cherish the friends you'll make at Small College, as these people will be an emotional " lifeline" later.

Regarding your very first true heartbreak: remember that " if you love something or someone, let him go. If he comes back to you, he's yours. If he doesn't, he was never "yours" in the first place.

Enjoy your time with Pap. Tell him that you love him every chance you see him. No one lives forever. Ditto for Granny Jeanne, she really does love you. Try to ignore her sharp tongue , or better yet---laugh at some of the inane things she says. She won't be around forever either.

Listen to your parents. They really do hold your best interests in mind. There are some things that parental units just * cannot* understand, but know that they love you & only wish for your happiness.

Be open-minded regarding the move to Florida { Yes, you will move to Florida} Embrace what the " Sunshine State" has to offer. It is OK to be homesick, as you are an Appalachian Girl forever, but just know that Florida will eventually endear itself to you.

Follow where the Holy Spirit'll come to a crisis in your faith life but know that God is always with you. You will be just fine & the existential faith crisis will be the vessel that God uses to bring you to a wonderful faith community. Be not afraid.

Do not worry about meeting the right guy. He is for sure worth the wait! You have so many good years ahead of you.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Sarah at age 37

Friday, August 16, 2013

Proud Auntie

I just got back from a trip to Atlanta. My brother & his wife gave birth to their first child, a little boy, about three weeks ago.

He. Is. So. Cute!

I know that ALL new Aunts & Uncles say that their niece/nephew is the cutest baby ever, but our family's new addition for sure could be a contender in a " beautiful baby" contest.

Being an Aunt is GREAT!