Friday, August 23, 2013

feminism is not always about hating men

I found a quote today that speaks to my philosophy on feminism.

" You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman." ~ Jane Galvin Lewis

I am a feminist. Yet I would rather be the lone woman among a group of men than among a group of women. I derive more positive energy from mixed-gender groups than I do in a group of humans of my own gender.

Some of my dearest friends are men and I value them as much as many of my feminist-leaning friends value their gal pals. In some ways men make better friends than women, as there is not the competition that is often seen among friends of my gender.  Gloria Steinem is the perfect example of the fierce man-hater who is held on the proverbial pedestal by the mainline feminist movement. Now I know full well that she's an icon in womens' history but I disagree with her on many issues.

I do count several women among my closest confidants, but unlike many women I know I do not actively seek out new girl friends. Actually, I don't seek out many new friendships at all & am pleasantly surprised when one forms.

It baffles me that some women think that   "womens' equality must mean man-hating.  Is not the purpose of the womens' movement EQUALITY with men? How can one profess to be equal with men & still harbor such bitterness towards the opposite gender? Think about it: we are all HUMAN & to me the fight for equality should not place any one group of humans as " better than" another group.

Of course my version of feminism calls for me to take pride in being a woman. Unlike many in the "femi-nazi" school of thought, I totally enjoy dressing and behaving like a traditional woman.

For instance, today I went shopping for a new dress. I am very particular about dresses & sought out a dress that was longer in length . { It was quite a hunt, but I did find a pretty dress that met my specifications}I also enjoy cooking good meals for Best Dude. Now of course I do not feel that its " the woman's job" to enjoy cooking  and that " women MUST look like women" but it IS part of who I am.

As a feminist I feel its my prerogative to be the sort of female person that I see fit.  I do not think that man-hating is doing anything to help women. More importantly, I love Best Dude AND all my guy friends & feel grateful for their presence in my life.

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