Monday, August 19, 2013

Bock Bock Bock , Jack

I know that the _Duck Dynasty_ reference did not register with people who do not follow the hit show on A & E. Best Dude & I are faithful " Quackers" and naturally I anticipate the new episode that will air on Wednesday.

Anyhow, Best Dude & I are planning to raise chickens{ hens, NOT roosters!!} Currently he is in the process of building a coop for the 6-8 hens whom we hope to add to our little homestead soon.

Here is the progress that he has made in the Building Of The Coop so far. These photos were taken with my Nikon and edited on the Toshiba laptop computer.

This is the wood that Brian got for the coop.

After must debate, we finally agreed on just where in the backyard that said coop will go. Since we opted for a permanent structure{ as opposed to the " chicken tractor" option"} we had to carefully choose the place where our chickens will roost.
This is the frame of the chicken house. Brian built these out of pressure-treated lumber.


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