Sunday, August 18, 2013

Things I would tell my 18-year-old self.....

Have you ever wondered what you would tell your younger self if you had a chance to time-travel?

One of my favorite Brad Paisley songs is " Letter To Me" The lyrics basically are a letter to Mr. Paisley's 17-year-old self.

If I could write a letter to myself  during the summer that I graduated from high school, this is what I would say:

Dear 18-year-old Sarah Beth:

Congrats! After four years of hell, you made it through high school.  Much awaits you on this journey called adulthood.

You WILL make it through college: although your post-secondary academic career will take a detour.

Don't worry, your first three years of undergrad will NOT be a waste of time--- you'll meet some of your dearest friends { and your first true love} at Small College. Your faith in God will grow, and Campus Ministries will be instrumental in the development of both your social and spiritual life.  Embrace all the opportunities that your time at Small College offers, both the good & the not-so-good times. Take a variety of demanding courses and do not worry about graduating in four years--- so much more is ahead of you than you can ever imagine as a college freshman.

Cherish the friends you'll make at Small College, as these people will be an emotional " lifeline" later.

Regarding your very first true heartbreak: remember that " if you love something or someone, let him go. If he comes back to you, he's yours. If he doesn't, he was never "yours" in the first place.

Enjoy your time with Pap. Tell him that you love him every chance you see him. No one lives forever. Ditto for Granny Jeanne, she really does love you. Try to ignore her sharp tongue , or better yet---laugh at some of the inane things she says. She won't be around forever either.

Listen to your parents. They really do hold your best interests in mind. There are some things that parental units just * cannot* understand, but know that they love you & only wish for your happiness.

Be open-minded regarding the move to Florida { Yes, you will move to Florida} Embrace what the " Sunshine State" has to offer. It is OK to be homesick, as you are an Appalachian Girl forever, but just know that Florida will eventually endear itself to you.

Follow where the Holy Spirit'll come to a crisis in your faith life but know that God is always with you. You will be just fine & the existential faith crisis will be the vessel that God uses to bring you to a wonderful faith community. Be not afraid.

Do not worry about meeting the right guy. He is for sure worth the wait! You have so many good years ahead of you.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Sarah at age 37

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