Saturday, February 14, 2015


I know many women adore the series '50 Shades' But for me, these books are yet another example of mass media objectifying women. It is not so much the BDSM that repels me, as is the total asshole of a character that is C. Grey.  

The author apparently { I have not read the books and do NOT plan to do so] tries to create  Grey as a brooding & mysterious type . Yet from the few detailed analyses that I've read, he is  neither brooding nor mysterious.

Why do so many young women find assholes sexy? Why do so many men wish for submissive, mousy women without minds of their own?  Although I've never been attracted to  'bad boys' many of the women I know are or have been attracted to these men. I LIKE and always have LIKED  nice guys.

I believe that the "50 Shades" series and other books/movies like this help perpetuate the ideal man as an asshole and ideal woman as a meek, mild , brainless creature. Why are not more women drawn to young Katniss in the Hunger Games series; she's independent, strong [ physically and mentally} and compassionate. THAT  is a literary heroine whom I can try to emulate instead of the naïve and superficial Ana Steele? I do not understand.

Time to change the paradigm, y'all.

Peace out, and Happy Valentines' Day.

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