Thursday, February 26, 2015

Forgiveness is hard

This Lenten season, I am focusing on forgiving others as I have been forgiven.To be honest, this task has been more challenging than I'd anticipated.

A lot has happened in the past 12 months, and although I am grateful for where I am and with whom I associate with now, I've discovered that my heart still harbors some bitterness and anger towards certain people who have hurt me. This bothers me for two reasons:

1. Christ calls us to forgive, as He has forgiven all of us.

2. I want to be free of the bonds laid upon me by my unwillingness to forgive certain people.  My anger towards these individuals has my stomach literally tied in knots every time I recall them in any capacity. Anger holds ME down, not those at whom my anger is directed.

How can I walk towards forgiveness when all I think about when their face shows up in my mind's eye is anger at their lies and innuendos? Does forgiveness mean that I have to " make nice" with these people.

Best Dude says " everyone is different" and that I should learn to accept that some people do not have the same mores as I do. But just because some people think lying about, gossiping and  ostracizing others who are different from their little clique is acceptable doesn't mean I do. Or does it?

I do not accept mean people. Sorry, I just do not and shall not .

But does forgiveness need to encompass condoning someone's bad behavior?

Only God knows.


  1. Best Dude has put it well--everybody is different. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. That's natural: each one of us is unique. Accept that people are flawed. Acceptance doesn't mean approval. Letting their flaws anger us only sours our lives. Wisdom is the recognition that we can't control what others do, but we CAN control how we react. (No one said wisdom was easy! <3 Kay)

  2. Best Dude has put it well--everybody is different. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. That's natural: each one of us is unique. Accept that people are flawed. Acceptance doesn't mean approval. Letting their flaws anger us only sours our lives. Wisdom is the recognition that we can't control what others do, but we CAN control how we react. (No one said wisdom was easy! <3 Kay)
