Sunday, February 8, 2015

proud to live life #likeagirl

My favorite Super Bowl Sunday ad was not funny, too high-tech, nor did it involve a celebrity.  Instead, my favorite commercial had a simple yet poignant message: Why and when did the phrase " Like a girl" become so derogatory? There is nothing wrong with being a female human, but even now, girls and women are fed negative ideas about what doing things " like a girl" means.

Girls and women are NOT " wimpy"

Our bodies are different than the bodies of boys and men, but that does not mean that we are any less capable of athletic, academic and creative success.

If we work hard enough, we can become just as successful in our business and professional lives as our male colleagues. Gender does not preclude success or failure in ANYTHING.

Also: since when do the same qualities in boys and men that people attribute as ' leadership, become " bossy" when girls and women show the same traits?

Since when are strong-willed, independent women who think for themselves  seen as " less female' than women who are not as strong?

I am really tired of the veiled and not-so-veiled misogyny that I see often.

Get out of the freaking 18th century.


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