Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1 My Grandmother

Today I want to honor my paternal Grandmother, " Anne"

Truth be told, Grandma Anne is actually my Dad's stepmother. Dad's birth mother died when he was just a baby, and my Pap married Anne when Dad and his older brother were small children. Pap and Anne had four more children, and all six of said children produced 15 grandchildren. I am the eldest of the 15 grandchildren, and spent a lot of my early childhood with my paternal  grandparents.

Anne is a retired emergency room nurse who earned her Physician's Assistant degree. Her entire career was spent working in the emergency room of Small Town Pennsylvania Hospital, , all while raising six children at home. Grandma Anne taught me early on that it is not only acceptable, but ADMIRABLE for a woman to be a wife and mother as well as successful in her career.

My family is blessed to still count Grandma Anne among us, and I am grateful for her presence in my life. even in her 8th decade, she's feisty and I love her spunk!

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