Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 4: Rev Christie

Today's honoree is one of my very favorite people, and my favorite priest. I met her[ yes, HER} in August of 2010 when she came to  Beach Parish as the new rector.  At the time I was attending Small Parish, but really enjoyed Christie's conversation and company.

When I moved to Beach Parish she became my priest, and to this day she's the priest who has had the most effect on me. Christie taught me to embrace my human foibles . She knows she isn't perfect--- and because of her " real-ness" I learned to be more authentic in my dealings with people.  Christie is such a good priest mainly because she's unapologenically authentic--- a trait that I admire.

I also learned from her that a strong woman need not buy into the ' strength is not feminine' bullshit that is put out by are media and culture. She's " all girl" yet displays a strong and capable presence .

I miss her terribly here on the Coast, but I know God will do great things through her in her new parish and position.

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