Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2 " Grandma" Jeanne

Today's honoree has passed on to the next life. I think of her often  and still miss her, especially when I return to the lake for my summer visit.

Although I refer to her as ' Grandma' , she actually was of no blood relation to me.  ' Grandma' Jeanne was my Godfather's mother, and I loved her as though she were my blood relative.

She and I were as different on many levels as two women could have been, and I shall admit to feeling frustrated by and downright mad by her words and actions on some occasion. But Grandma Jeanne taught me some good life lessons, and for these I am grateful for her influence in my life.

She taught me the value of hard work and how to manage time. I remember working at the snack bar at the campground that my Godparents own on Sundays  waiting for Gram to arrive in her golf cart. She made sure that I, as well as the rest of the staff, stayed busy while 'on the clock' and did not waste time. I learned to be a good employee under Gram's watchful eyes.

Another valuable lesson I learned from Gram is to have an eye for natural beauty.  As an artist, she was fascinated with the natural beauty of  the lake and had an observant eye for detail.

 RIP , and thanks so much, Gram.

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