Thursday, June 26, 2014

Death & ressurection

I know, we are totally done with the Easter Season for yet another liturgical year. But recent events in my life & in my walk with Our LORD have got me pondering { Best Dude would say OBSESSING, Ha ha} about the concept of death & resurrection.

Death & resurrection are all around us. Some may say that it is " the circle of life" or " the plan of the Universe" but nothing is constant.

Beginnings will eventually yield endings.

Each winter will be followed by a Spring, then summer and finally autumn. Babies are born every day and elderly people pass on from this Earthly life. Where I grew up, certain trees in the woods hear my home have leaves that dry out, change color and eventually fall to the ground. The stark bare Winter landscape of the Appalachia where I am from eventually leads to a lush, green Springtime.

Of course , many of we Christians follow our LORD Jesus Christ from the garden where He was betrayed , too the Cross, and to the Grave and FINALLY to His glorious resurrection & ascension. Thanks be to God! I know that going through the " death" part of this cycle can be painful.  When I feel alone, depressed, angry, ect-- I ponder the actions of Christ's closest comrades, His disciples. Although He tried to explain to them that His earthly ministry will end, they did not want to face

 I try hard to remember during this time in my life that Christ, the risen Christ, is everywhere. Even when I find myself facing a metaphorical " death" {meaning the end of a relationship or relationships} I know that often we must " die" to something on order to be " resurrected" into something or somewhere better.  It is painful, but endings lead to beginnings often the beginnings of better, healthier, more grace-filled life.


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