Tuesday, June 10, 2014

new beginnings

Sunday was Pentecost, and lately I've been pondering " new beginnings"

This Season after Pentecost shall be one of new beginnings for many people in my life.

For we Christians, life is full of new beginnings. For example, I have some friends who are leaving to attend {Episcopal} seminary soon. they had to say goodbye to their colleagues at work & are in the process of saying goodbye to friends throughout their parish & our Diocese.

Another person I know is stepping down from several years of lay service in one particular church.

Our Diocese is in the process of searching for the next bishop. My rector is among those who were selected & charged with the big task of seeking the individual whom God wishes to bring to us as our next shepherd. My prayers are with these faithful and brave individuals as they serve the diocese in this important way. I know all of them{ at least by name if not personally} and I trust that they will follow the process of selecting the Fourth Bishop.

One of my aunts has retired from many years as a nurse.

Another young friend of mine is moving cross-country to finish college.

Walking with God , in fact life as a human, is never a straight line. Deviations from what we humans perceive as our own " path" are necessary, inevitable and healthy.

I am autistic, and do NOT thrive on change. However, during these past few months I noticed that a change is needed in my life of faith. {please don't ask me--as I really am not at liberty to discuss the situation} in order for me to maintain my spiritual & mental health. For me, new beginnings of any kind require me to move out of my very rigid comfort zone.  God may gently nudge some people to go where God wants them to go but I am someone whom God must kick hard in the pants to get me to move forward.

I . Do.Not.Like.Change!

In spite of my huge aversion to anything that disrupts my part of this universe, I know that my own health sometimes requires drastic change.  Sixteen years ago I took a HUGE leap of faith and followed my family to Gulf Coast Beach Town. I arrived here knowing no one but them & was lonely for over a year . As a matter of fact, it was not until I traveled up North for a couple weeks' vacation that I realized that my " home" was no longer home to me.

I am dealing with the same situation now in a different way. But I need to look onward and ahead of me.


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