Thursday, February 21, 2013

All Packed & Ready to Go #Diocgc13

  I promised my parishioners, friends & family that I will keep them updated  on the highlights of this years' Diocesan Convention via my blog. Since I am not a voting delegate this year, I'll have more " down time" with which to reflect what I wish to report to my church family back home while I'm experiencing the Convention.

Although the Convention is not a totally new experience for me{ I've been an alternate delegate & an elected delegate to two previous conventions} In addition to my designation as the " official" event photographer, this is my first  PAID photography gig! * does a happy dance* This weekend is, for me, adding up to be not just a fabulous time of worship & fellowship, but also one that can help me further my art. In addition, it is my hope that reporting on Convention via my weblog will help me hone some reporting skills that have { sadly} gone dormant from lack of use.

I'm hoping & praying that the conference center in Panama City has wi-fi access, because I can get a lot of blogging done during certain speeches & commission reports.  If not, I'll just stay awake late { ha ha ,like I'll sleep anyhow in a strange place!} I'll also recap briefly what Bishop Duncan says in his address on Friday morning.  My readers can expect a very brief entry  about Friday evening's Gala, so I am sure I'll be tired & the schedule has us needing to arise early for breakfast & morning worship.

I am hoping that the weather holds up for us, since we'll be on the beach! The dress code put forth in the Convention packet says that " casual" is the order of the day for Convention. However, the " girly girl" in me is THRILLED to bring along one of my favorite dresses to wear to the Gala!

In His Service,

Sarah Beth.

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